Harissa Traybake Chicken


  • 2 red onion

  • 1 red capscium

  • 1 yellow capsicum

  • some red wine vinegar

  • some salt

  • 1/4 cup olive oil

  • some harrisa

  • 1 whole chicken


  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees

  • Grease oven tray with oil

  • Slice red onion into quarters and pull layers apart

  • Remove seeds from red capscium and yellow capsicum and slice into large sections

  • Place onions and capsicums in tray

  • Drizzle oil and red wine vinegar over vegetables and season with salt and @pepper

  • Mix olive oil and harrisa seasoning to make a paste

  • Butterfly chicken by cuting along the spine

  • Make cuts into the legs of the chicken to help cook

  • Rub chicken with harrisa paste

  • Cook in oven for approx 1 hour 30mins

  • Serve with cous cous or roast potatoes