Mushroom Risotto


  • 1/2 red onion

  • some mushroom

  • some veg stock

  • 1 1/2 cup aborio rice

  • some wine

  • some rosemary

  • some corn

  • some cheese

  • some butter

  • some bacon


  • Fry red onion and mushroom

  • Make veg stock and put to the side

  • Add aborio rice to big wock and quickly (2min) fry in oil

  • Start adding stock by ladling in a bit at a time

  • Add in some wine also

  • Add in rosemary, corn and fried stuff about half way through

  • Keep mixing in stock until rice is soft

  • Mix in some cheese

  • Optionally add butter and chicken or bacon

  • Serve hot

  • This is pretty easy but takes ages for the rice to soften.